Thursday, September 16, 2010

*Web Review 1 is like food on youtube? This is one of the web resources that I love because I am able to watch video recipes (the term that they used). It may not be much as it has only about 3000 videos that has been uploaded but it has a variety of choices, meaning you are able to find the range of video recipes from different cooking methods to the different kinds of dishes (e.g Thai dishes, etc.) What's more, you can even sign up for FREE! How can this be useful? You might want to consider this to be part of your teaching resources as you can upload video recipes too. So basically you can cook at the same time record and then upload it on Foodtube. In other words, it is a sharing platform not only with your students but also with the members in the Foodtube as you will get to comment of what others have done and shared. :)